Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Story Circle

Eight of us met Saturday afternoon at Borders Books and had our first Story Circle meeting in Houston. We are re-reading Tender Mercies by Anne Lamott, chapter by chapter, and then writing and sharing.

As facilitator, I am bringing a writing prompt that I concoct after reading Lamott, which we use as a thought-starter and write for 15 minutes, then share. For the chapter "Overview: Lily Pads" (may not be the exact title... I'm writing from memory), I devised the prompt: Write about an important leap you've made in your life that led you in a different direction. The responses were touching, funny, insightful.

Interestingly, the Borders Books folks set up a place for us in the Business section, and so executive types would mosey through now and again, looking over the latest management books. Several of the women in the group took note of a man who stood transfixed, with his nose in a book while certainly eavesdropping, as we read quietly aloud about turning points in our lives. No doubt, he got an earful.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Goals and Aspirations

I like to think about myself as a goal-oriented person. To emphasize the importance of having a clear goal in life, I tell my students--as, no doubt, someone once told me--"If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there."

And yet, now that I have my own little piece of American-made nirvana (a 2004 Harley-Davidson Sportster), I have come to see the wisdom in taking "any road" as it strikes my fancy. What a delight to get off the beaten track in life, which brings me to the idea of exploring the hidden recesses of memory for golden memories with no real intention other than to go where the mind takes me.

Try this: Let your mind wander and see where it takes you. One of the wonderful things about not having a goal or destination is that you can change your mind and your direction and start again at any time, so do that if you find yourself somewhere you'd rather not be. Keep wandering until you get where you want to go.

What did you discover... about yourself?