Weeds of busy-ness
The weeds of busy-ness are taking over my life. Why can't I be content to "be" in life instead of constantly "doing"? It's as if I don't think my life counts unless I've got seven projects going at the same time.
This is NOT productive; this IS stressful.
I took an online test to find out my actual age (as opposed to my chronological one) and to get a prediciton for how much longer I will live, given my current lifestyle.
Bad news. If I keep going like I am, I'll be dead in less than two years.
I need to refocus on becoming a human being and retire from my merry-go-round of doing project after project after project, which does nothing more than drain me. It's not as if someone else couldn't do these things. It wouldn't even matter if these projects fell by the wayside and were left unfinished. (I'm telling you, no one would notice except me.)
Wow, that's a revelation.
Prompt: Write about the busy-ness that is taking over your life.
This is NOT productive; this IS stressful.
I took an online test to find out my actual age (as opposed to my chronological one) and to get a prediciton for how much longer I will live, given my current lifestyle.
Bad news. If I keep going like I am, I'll be dead in less than two years.
I need to refocus on becoming a human being and retire from my merry-go-round of doing project after project after project, which does nothing more than drain me. It's not as if someone else couldn't do these things. It wouldn't even matter if these projects fell by the wayside and were left unfinished. (I'm telling you, no one would notice except me.)
Wow, that's a revelation.
Prompt: Write about the busy-ness that is taking over your life.
Labels: busy-ness, memoir, writing, writing from life
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