Sunday, December 04, 2005


In order to give shapes to the tapestry of our lives, we piece together our memories. Here is a fun exercise to create a patchwork of yourself. The exercise is adapted from Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way. Allow yourself to free-associate for a sentence or so with each phrase, and pick up little bits of yourself, retrieving memories and misplaced fragments strewn over your lifetime...

  1. When you were a child, what was your favorite game?
  2. When you were a child, what was your favorite book?
  3. When you were a child, what was your favorite movie?
  4. When you were a child, what was your favorite place?
  5. Finish this sentence: I don't do it much, but I enjoy....
  6. Finish this sentence: Five things I used to enjoy are....
  7. Five things I would like to learn (or skills I would like to have) are....
  8. Three silly things I'd like to do are....
  9. I secretly thought I was pretty good at....
  10. If I would lighten up a little, I'd let myself....
  11. If it weren't too late, I'd be....
  12. My favorite music is....
  13. I secretly enjoy....
  14. My favorite "guilty pleasure" is....
  15. If I'd had a perfect childhood, I'd have grown up to be....
  16. If it didin't sound so crazy, I'd ....
  17. Taking time out for myself is....
  18. When (and how) do I relax?
  19. My favorite way to dress is....
  20. When I'm down, I cheer myself up by....

I've used this exercise in my classes, and women, without any conscious effort, create wonderful patchworks. I feel like I'm in the midst of an old fashioned quilting bee!


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