Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I'm baaaaack

It's been a while since I've posted here. What can I say... life can get very crowded. I have another blog and I guess I've been playing favorites. But--summer is here and I can slow down and melt under the Texas sun in humid Houston, TX. Hey, at least I'm not having to fight the freeway traffic for a couple of months. I'm working from home through the miracle of the Internet. I may be techno-phobic (and I am) but I also love the magic.

I have decided that I am going to go to the gym every other day (I first thought I'd go every day, but today was too hot to venture outside) and to write every day. At first I decided I would write a short novel--hey, it's possible if I write every day!--but, I've decided not to lock myself in. There are a couple of contests coming up... a short fiction at Glimmer Press and a memoir at Story Circle Network. Plus, I have five assignments from an eNewsletter. (I'm gonna need that time in the gym or I'm gonna have a double wide butt by the time August rolls around.


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