Friday, January 06, 2006

Soul Journey: Stories of Faith

I read somehwere recently that spiritual is derived from the Latin word spiritus, meaning breath; hence, spiritual memoirs are about those experiences that cause us to breathe quicker or slower or deeper, or to catch or to hold our breath—we inhale and recount our soul journey in acts of self-discovery.

Exploring our faith means recollecting and reflecting about our spiritual growth from our battles of faith and the lessons we learned—about our victories, our convictions, and God’s grace.

Writing the stories of our faith is a powerful experience in introspection, an adventure in self-discovery. Writing our soul journey reveals our lifelong inner yearning for God and sharing our trials and tribulations is an important part of our testimony. Writing our spiritual story documents how our faith has transformed us. By writing our soul journey, we create our own personal parables, story by story.

I invite you to embark on your own personal soul journey. Here is a month’s supply of prompts to help get you started:

Week 1: Count your blessings. Write about one.

Week 2: Describe your relationship with God and how you have changed, or not.

Week 3: Write about something you and God co-created: a child, a home, a work of art, an attitude of gratitude…

Week 4: Write about a time you thought God had abandoned you. How did you feel? What did you learn?


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